Ashtanga Studio Turku provides holistic teaching of the Ashtanga Yoga Method. By following the yogic path, you will gain more knowledge of this ancient method of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

You can start your Ashtanga Yoga journey anytime by attending the led classes to learn the basics of the Ashtanga Yoga series, or for more individual approach you can attend the Ashtanga Mysore classes, where you will practice on your own pace, and you will get more individual attention and adjustments from the teacher. You do not need to know the series by heart in order to attend the Ashtanga Mysore classes! Once you know the practice, you can also join the Ashtanga DIY self-practices without any adjustments or advice.

Ashtanga Yoga is a journey towards self-knowledge with the therapeutic Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa), which will give you both physical and mental strength and flexibility. The Intermediate Series (Nadi Sodhana) will improve your understanding of your Self and the flow of Prana (life force) within your body. If you prefer a shorter practice, please join the Ashtanga Easy led classes with the FUNdamental poses (Sun Salutations, Standing and Finishing Postures, Final Relaxation).

Ashtanga Yoga is suitable for everyone – especially the Mysore classes are perfect to accommodate your individual needs.



  • Drop-in class 25 € (50 % discount with a valid student card)

  • 4 class package* 80 €

  • 8 class package* 140 €

  • 12 class package* 180 €

  • Ashtanga DIY 5 € (only in cash or via MobilePay)

*The class packages can be shared between several persons, because #sharingiscaring and #goodkarma. All class packages are valid until for 6 months from the purchase date. After the expiration date, you can use the remaining classes with an extra fee (5 € / class).

All prices include complimentary use of yoga props (mat, block, strap, wheel, blanket, eye pillow), free storage of your own yoga mat at the studio, and complimentary tea & water & chocolate after the class.

Payment options: cash, debit/credit card, Smartum, Epassi, Edenred. All payments are done at the studio.

Gift cards are available for purchase via email/SMS, and at the studio both before and after the classes.


Ashtanga Studio Turku is hosted by Karma Studio at Aurakatu 22 A (doorbell Karma Studio, 1st Floor) in Turku, Finland.


Advanced registration is required to all classes, and the space is limited to 10 students per class.


Ashtanga Easy


Ashtanga Easy Led Class (75 min.)

In this class the teacher will guide you through the FUNdamental poses of Ashtanga Yoga Series. After the Surya Namaskaras and standing poses, you will continue directly with the finishing poses, and the class will end with a final relaxation. This class is excellent for total beginners, as well as those who want to do a shorter practice.

All levels welcome!

  • TUESDAY & THURSDAY 9.45-11

  • FRIDAY 17.15-18.30

  • SUNDAY 17.45-19


Ashtanga Yoga


Ashtanga Led Class (90 min.)

In this class the teacher will guide you through the Ashtanga Yoga Series. After the Surya Namaskaras and standing poses, you will continue with some seated Primary Series / Intermediate Series poses. You will cool down as the teacher guides you through the finishing poses, and the class will end with a final relaxation.

All levels welcome!

  • MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 17.15-18.45

  • SATURDAY 9.30-11


Ashtanga Mysore


Ashtanga Mysore (105 min.)

This is a self-practice with adjustments and advise from the yoga teacher, who is present in the class. You can ask the teacher for an individual yoga practice to support your needs and goals in your yoga journey. Please, let the teacher know in advance, if there is anything special going on in your body or mind, and which kind of adjustments you prefer: verbal, hands-on, both or none at all.

All levels welcome!


  • TUESDAY & THURSDAY 17.15-19


Ashtanga DIY


Ashtanga DIY (90min.)

This is a self-practice without any adjustments. In this class you can practice asana, pranayama and meditation on your own, but still together with others. Come feel the shared energy, and support others with your own presence.

All levels welcome!

  • ATM this class is available only by request.


Pranayama & Mantra


Pranayama & Mantra (30 min.)

The teacher will guide you through Ashtanga Pranayama breathing practices. We will also chant some Mantras together. Pranayama will help you to practice Pratyahara (drawing the senses inward) and Dharana (concentration). These are the first steps towards Dhyana (meditation), which means stilling of the mind, and towards Samadhi (liberation).

All levels welcome! Free class!

  • SATURDAY 9-9.30



ashtangastudioturku@gmail.com / +358 40 5961585